
03/21/09 Weekend Grif.Net – Parable of the Snake

03/21/09 Weekend Grif.Net – Parable of the Snake

A woman was walking home one winter eve and came upon a snake that was
freezing to death. The snake begged her to take him into her home and let
him warm up. She told the snake that she could not do this as he was a
snake and would surely bite her. The snake promised to behave and convinced
the woman to help him.

So she took the snake home, started a fire, and nursed him back to health,
at which point the snake bit her. With her dying breath, she said, “You
promised to behave if I welcomed you into my home and made you well.” To
which the snake replied, “What did you expect? I’m a snake.”

Dr Bob Griffin
“Jesus knows me, this I love”