
01/01/16 Grif.Net – Another batch

01/01/16 Grif.Net – Another batch

[Yeah, I hear you groan and whine month after month. But you still read
these awful puns. And LOVE them.]

I just heard that a radical segment of the woodworkers union broke off and
formed a splinter group.

Sign at a Wyoming nudist camp: “Sorry – Clothed for Winter”

Geologists had a vote to decide a theory to replace continental drift; Plate
Tectonics won by landslide.

The police caught a burglar last night after he broke into a bathroom
window, stepped on the scale and gave himself a weigh.

What flowers grow best in cul-de-sacs? RoadEnDrons.

Dr Bob Griffin
[email protected]
“Jesus Knows Me, This I Love!”