
11/27/15 Grif.Net – November Observations

11/27/15 Grif.Net – November Observations

Kids at church today were talking physical =
fitness and I mentioned that I have the body of a 30-year-old. They =
said, "Where, Pastor? Buried in your back =

My wife told me I was immature.   =
I told her to get out of my fort . . .

I’m the boss in my family. My wife said I =
could say that . . .

Someone stole my mood ring.  I don’t =
know how I feel about that . . .

Want to hear a word I just made up?  =
Plagiarism . . .

Lazy is such an ugly word.  I prefer =
“selective participation” . . .

I was watching my wife apply her make up. =
Trying to be helpful I told her she was drawing her eyebrows too =
high.   She looked surprised . . .

I just saw a guy in Walmart with a blue =
tooth. I think it was his only tooth . . .


Dr Bob Griffin =

[email protected] =

"Jesus Knows Me, This I =