
10/05/15 Grif.Net – More Updates from my Friends

10/05/15 Grif.Net – More Updates from my Friends

[Every month or so I collect “updates” from my friends shared on Twitter and
Facebook. Some are funny, some more accurate than we’d care to admit.]

My recliner and I go way back . .

I try to watch what I eat, but it goes by so quickly . . .

Being an adult is the dumbest thing I’ve ever done . . .

I hate when people don’t know where “to” put quotation marks . . .

I’ve been accused of many things, but “normal” isn’t one of them . . .

When I’m bored, I like to call in sick to places I don’t work. Today I’m
getting written up for absence at Target . . .

I went to a 7-11 that was open 24/7/365and asked for 2×4 poster-board and a
box of 3×5’s. The clerk said, “10-4” . . .

I thought about getting up and watching the super moon/eclipse but then
decided, “Hey, 2033 really isn’t that far away” . . .

I watched a NASCAR race and was thinking that if they left earlier they
wouldn’t have to go so fast . . .

I’m a math teacher. Of course I have problems . . .

Someone switched my regular coffee with decaf. They should be out of the
hospital in a week . . .

I’ve decided I no longer what to be an adult, so if you need me, I’ll be in
my blanket fort, coloring . . .

Sarcasm is my brain’s natural defense against the less intelligent . . .

Dr Bob Griffin
[email protected]
“Jesus Knows Me, This I Love!”