
09/10/14 Grif.Net – Conversion Chart (pt 2)

09/10/14 Grif.Net – Conversion Chart (pt 2)

[More engineering units little known by most people today]

11) Basic unit of laryngitis – 1 hoarsepower

12) Shortest distance between two jokes – a straight line

13) 453.6 graham crackers – 1 pound cake

14) 1 trillion microphones – 1 megaphone

15) 1 million bicycles – 2 megacycles

16) 2000 mockingbirds – two kilomockingbirds (work on it….)

17) 10 cards – 1 decacards

18) 1 kilogram of falling figs – 1 Fig Newton

19) 1000 cubic centimeters of wet socks – 1 literhosen

20) 1 millionth of a fish – 1 microfiche

(more to come IF you all send some to me!! I’m running out of ideas

Dr Bob Griffin
[email protected]
“Jesus Knows Me, This I Love!”