
05/19/10 Grif.Net – Brain Teasers

05/19/10 Grif.Net – Brain Teasers

Making some of you ‘think’ is not an easy task on a springtime Wednesday, so
today I am sharing some fun-for-the-whole-family BRAIN TEASERS. Some are
easy, some aren’t. NO answers forth-coming . . . you’re on your own!

(1) How can you use the letters in ‘NEW DOOR’ to make one word?

(2) A hunter pitched her tent and then hiked straight south for five miles;
she then turned and hiked five miles due east. Finally she turned again and
hiked five miles straight north where she saw a bear ripping apart her tent.
What color was the bear?

(3) What is the tallest mountain in the world?

(4) What letter is next in this sequence? M, A, M, J, J, A, S, O, __

(5) “That attorney is my brother”, testified the accountant. But the
attorney testified, “I don’t have a brother.” Who is lying?

(6) Why is George Washington’s official birthday celebration held on
February 22 when he was actually born on February 11?

(7) On my way to the fair, I met 7 jugglers and a bear, every juggler had 6
cats, every cat had 5 rats, every rat had 4 houses, every house had 3
mouses, every mouse had 2 louses, every louse had a spouse. How many in all
are going to the fair?

(8) What is light as a feather, but even the strongest man cannot hold it
more than a few minutes?

(9) What letter is next in this sequence? O, T, T, F, F, S, S, E, __

(10) Johnny’s mother had four children. The first was named “April”, the
second was “May”, and the third was “June”. What was the name of her fourth

Dr Bob Griffin
[email protected]
“Jesus Knows Me, This I Love!”