
05/15/09 Grif.Net – More Trivia

05/15/09 Grif.Net – More Trivia

[15 more trivial facts about our Presidents. How many do YOU know?]

16. President who lived the longest life (tricky)

17. First American to win the Nobel Prize

18. Only President never to marry

19. First President to be born in a hospital

20. Oldest President to assume office

21. Youngest President to assume office

22. First Presidential inauguration to be filmed

23. First President to call the Executive Mansion the “White House”

24.Only President who was a former fashion model

25. Shortest President

26. Only President who was not elected by the people

27. First President to visit all 50 states

28.First President to be photographed

29. Only President to be born outside the continental United States

30. President who dedicated the Statue of Liberty

[answers Tuesday]

Dr Bob Griffin
“Jesus knows me, this I love”