
10/02/08 Grif.Net – First Wrist Watch?

10/02/08 Grif.Net – First Wrist Watch?

In the spirit of word play, Jason shared this historical “fact” about wrist
watches . . .

In the autumn of the year 333 BC, Alexander the Great came head-to-head with
Persian King Darius during the battle of Issus on the north-eastern
Mediterranean Coast.

He decided to try out his new invention. It was a cloth impregnated with
chemicals that would change colors after a certain length of time.

He had all his men tie one of these pieces of cloth to their wrist. When the
color of the cloth changed, his men would know that it was time to attack.

The invention worked well, and became known thereafter as Alexander’s Rag
Time Band.

Dr Bob Griffin,
“Jesus knows me, this I love”