
08/26/08 Grif.Net – Optomist

08/26/08 Grif.Net – Optomist

In a recent flood in Iowa, Farmer Flack proved himself to be an optimist
(even though it was hard with misty optics!!)

The flood waters rose on his farm and soon he found himself sitting on the
roof. The rescue team came by in a boat to get him off and they lamented,
“I understand all your fowl have been washed away.”

“The have”, he replied, “but the ducks are good swimmers.”

“I hear that your orchard is all gone, too.”

“Yes, but they had predicted a bad crop this year so I probably didn’t lose

Finally the rescuers said, “You’ve got a positive attitude, Farmer Flack,
but what do you say with water being up to the eaves on your home?”

“Well,” the farmer considered, “I think the windows needed a good washing

Dr Bob Griffin,
“Jesus knows me, this I love”