
05/23/08 Grif.Net – Quiz about YOU

05/23/08 Grif.Net – Quiz about YOU

We take the human body, a marvelously designed mechanism by a wonderful God,
for granted. Here are a dozen questions to see what YOU know about YOU.

1. What is the correlation between I.Q. and dreams?

2. What is the largest cell in the human body?

3. What is the smallest cell in the human body?

4. How many muscles does it take to take one step?

5. How much shorter is the average woman than the average man?

6. How many bones are in your big toe? How many in each of the others?

7. And talking about feet, how many sweat glands are in your feet?

8. What common object would you use to explain the approximate size of a
full bladder?

9. How long does it take a bite of food to go from your mouth to your

10. How long is the average human dream?

11. What is the hardest substance in your body?

12. Who has more hair – blondes or dark haired people?

Bonus: [tough] Using body heat (if it could all be concentrated) how long
would it take to bring 64 oz to a boil?

[Answers after the holiday weekend]

Dr Bob Griffin,
“Jesus knows me, this I love”