
01/23/08 Grif.Net – S’more Puns

01/23/08 Grif.Net – S’more Puns

[Happy 6th birthday to my grandson Christian. To celebrate, here are some
more really bad Puns and wordplays you might enjoy.]

(1) If a wolf can attack a deer from either the right side or the left side,
does that make him bambidextrous?

(2) Did you hear the one about the man who dreamed he was a muffler on a
car, and then that he was part of the wheel?
He woke up exhausted and tired.

(3) The pirate captain was standing in his treasure pile.
He didn’t have very much: his booty was only shin-deep.

(4) When the glassblower inhaled he got a pane in the stomach.

(5) Scientists report that dieters lost brain cells as well as body weight.
It’s a case of think or slim.

Dr Bob Griffin,
“Jesus knows me, this I love”