
05/08/07 Grif.Net – In My Day

05/08/07 Grif.Net – In My Day

These are the results of a contest, in which Boomers were asked to tell Gen
X’ers how much harder you had it in the old days:

RUNNER-UP: In my day, we couldn’t afford shoes, so we went barefoot. In the
winter we had to wrap our feet with barbed wire for traction. (Bill Flavin,

WINNER: In my day, we didn’t have no rocks. We had to go down to the creek
and wash our clothes by beating them with our heads. (Barry Blyveis,


In my day, we didn’t have dogs or cats. All I had was Silver Beauty, my
beloved paper clip. (Jennifer Hart, Arlington)

Back in the 1970s we didn’t have the space shuttle to get all excited about.
We had to settle for men walking on the crummy moon. (Russell Beland,

In my day, we didn’t have days. There was only “time for work,” “time for
prayer” and “time for sleep.” The sheriff would go around and tell everyone
when to change. (Elden Carnahan, Laurel)

In my day, we didn’t have hand-held calculators. We had to do addition on
our fingers. To subtract, we had to have some fingers amputated. (Jon
Patrick Smith, Washington)

In my day, we didn’t have water. We had to smash together our own hydrogen
and oxygen atoms. (Diana Hugue, Bowie)

Kids today think the world revolves around them. In my day, the sun revolved
around the world, and the world was perched on the back of a giant tortoise.
(Jonathan Paul, Garrett Park)

In the old days, nobody asked you to sign petitions. The sheriff just came
to your house and told you you was part of a posse. (Barry Blyveis,

Back in my day, “60 Minutes” wasn’t just a bunch of gray-haired liberal
80-year-old guys. It was a bunch of gray-haired liberal 60-year-old guys.
(Russell Beland, Springfield, and Jerry Pannullo, Kensington)

In my day, we didn’t have Strom Thurmond. Oh, wait. Yes we did. (Peg
Sheeran, Vienna)

Dr Bob Griffin,
1 cross + 3 nails = 4 given